Timothy E Lampkin, December 2022
Recommended Citation
Lampkin, T. E. (2022). Informal education experiences of black women-owned healthcare small businesses in mississippi (Order No. 30241799). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ University of Arkansas Fayetteville; ProQuest Central; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2778652793). Retrieved from https://www.proquest.com/dissertations-theses/informal-education-experiences-black-women-owned/docview/2778652793/se-2
Small businesses are critical to the economic success of the United States, and several states, such as Mississippi, have a strong reliance on small business development. Through small, individually owned businesses, the overall economy is enhanced, and the quality of life for many is improved. A growing trend within the small business community is private ownership by Black women. This population segment has dramatically grown in their presence within business ownership, and it is necessary to describe elements of their success. The proposed research focuses on informal education as an enabler of this small business success. Informal education is a component of the larger field of adult education and will be the focus of qualitative interviews with Black women business owners in healthcare. Using a narrative inquiry design, the research can inform entrepreneurship support organizations, business owners, and policymakers about how resources and policies that positively impact small business ownership are learned.