Celeste Avery, May 2023
Recommended Citation
Avery, C. (2023). Doctoral Students’ Experiences of Community of Practice in a Hybrid Cohort-Based Program: A Case Study. Graduate Theses and Dissertations Retrieved from https://scholarworks.uark.edu/etd/5070
Graduate enrollment in the United States is increasing. With the advent of the cohort learning model and online delivery methods, adult learners now have greater access to higher education. The cohort learning model, which is based on elements of Community of Practice, has been shown to provide learners with a sense of community while also having a positive impact on retention. In a hybrid cohort-based learning model, many institutions provide the convenience of both online and face-to-face classes. Doctoral student attrition remains high, ranging from 40-50% across all programs, with rates as high as 70% in Education programs. The purpose of this qualitative case study is to explore how doctoral students experience Community of Practice while enrolled in a hybrid cohort-based education program. Specifically, this study examines student perceptions about how Community of Practice impacted their learning and retention.