Joy Bauer, August 2022
Recommended Citation
Bauer, J. (2022). Community College Faculty Members’ Experiences using Instructional Technology: The Sudden Transition to Emergency Remote Teaching (Order No. 29392638). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ University of Arkansas Fayetteville; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2725671374).
The rapid spread of COVID-19 during the spring of 2020 warranted an unprecedented change as faculty were required to convert course content and quickly learn to use new instructional technology in order to prepare for emergency remote teaching. The purpose of this qualitative case study is to explore how faculty experienced this sudden disruption of learning and rapid transition to emergency remote teaching. How do we assist faculty in continuing to use innovative technology? What resources or support are needed to lessen faculty resistance to change? By applying Kübler-Ross’ Change Curve as an overarching model, the researcher seeks to show that the change to remote and/or online instruction necessitated by the COVID-19 Pandemic contributed to faculty intentions for continued use of technology