Readiness to Lead: Novice School Leaders’ Perceptions of the IMPACT Arkansas Fellowship Experience on Their Preparedness to Assume School Leadership Roles

Allison Prewitt, May 2023

Research provides increasing evidence that school leadership correlates with school performance (Herman et al., 2016). The leadership skills of K-12 school administrators are linked with student achievement. Evidence indicates that…Continue Reading Readiness to Lead: Novice School Leaders’ Perceptions of the IMPACT Arkansas Fellowship Experience on Their Preparedness to Assume School Leadership Roles

A Narrative Research Study on How Brazilian Women Executives Build a Sense of Community and Belonging When Transferred to the United States

Silvia Siqueira, May 2023

According to the American Immigration Council (2021), 14 percent of the United States population is foreign-born. Immigrants have enriched American culture and enhanced our influence in the…Continue Reading A Narrative Research Study on How Brazilian Women Executives Build a Sense of Community and Belonging When Transferred to the United States

Perceptions of Beginning Secondary Alternatively Licensed Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers in Kansas: A Case Study

Jennifer Sara Snell, December 2022

Alternatively licensed Career and Technical Education teacher licensure programs have become a more conventional process for licensing new CTE teachers. Evidence from recent research supports that alternatively licensed teachers have a much greater teacher turnover rate than …Continue Reading Perceptions of Beginning Secondary Alternatively Licensed Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers in Kansas: A Case Study

Investigating the Effect of Perceived Social Support and Professional Support on the Ability to Persist as a Building Administrator in Arkansas

Jill LaRosa, December 2022

Across the United States, our K-12 public schools have very low levels of principals persisting in their jobs. The national average for principal tenure is four years, and one out of every five principals in poverty districts leaves after …Continue Reading Investigating the Effect of Perceived Social Support and Professional Support on the Ability to Persist as a Building Administrator in Arkansas