Time to Complete an Associate Degree: A Comparison of Nontraditional GED Graduates and Traditional High School Graduates (A Preregistered Study)

Becky Warren, May 2024

Community colleges face enrollment declines, student performance, and accountability metrics, the need to support nontraditional students’ career paths, and constraints imposed by limited resources. Community college leadership would benefit from …Continue Reading Time to Complete an Associate Degree: A Comparison of Nontraditional GED Graduates and Traditional High School Graduates (A Preregistered Study)

Readiness to Lead: Novice School Leaders’ Perceptions of the IMPACT Arkansas Fellowship Experience on Their Preparedness to Assume School Leadership Roles

Allison Prewitt, May 2023

Research provides increasing evidence that school leadership correlates with school performance (Herman et al., 2016). The leadership skills of K-12 school administrators are linked with student achievement. Evidence indicates that…Continue Reading Readiness to Lead: Novice School Leaders’ Perceptions of the IMPACT Arkansas Fellowship Experience on Their Preparedness to Assume School Leadership Roles

Examining the Association Between Facebook Marketing and Applications Received in Graduate Programs at One University

Heather Campbell, December 2022

As the technological world continues to grow and expand, the use of social media marketing continues to increase. Graduate programs looking to increase the number of applications received can turn to…Continue Reading Examining the Association Between Facebook Marketing and Applications Received in Graduate Programs at One University

Investigating the Effect of Perceived Social Support and Professional Support on the Ability to Persist as a Building Administrator in Arkansas

Jill LaRosa, December 2022

Across the United States, our K-12 public schools have very low levels of principals persisting in their jobs. The national average for principal tenure is four years, and one out of every five principals in poverty districts leaves after …Continue Reading Investigating the Effect of Perceived Social Support and Professional Support on the Ability to Persist as a Building Administrator in Arkansas

The Role of Instructor Presence and Class Size in Promoting Engagement Among Adults Pursuing Undergraduate Degrees Online: A Preregistered Study

Ken Muessig, December 2022

Adult learners who pursue undergraduate degrees online are an understudied group who have characteristics that separate them from traditional younger students or graduate students who might…Continue Reading The Role of Instructor Presence and Class Size in Promoting Engagement Among Adults Pursuing Undergraduate Degrees Online: A Preregistered Study

Examining the Intersection of Cultural Competence and Classroom Management Self-Efficacy in Northwest Arkansas K-6 Teachers

Bonnie King, August 2022

This study aims to examine the relationship between Northwest Arkansas K-6 teachers’ cultural competence and classroom management self-efficacy. Multiple linear regression will be the quantitative approach used …Continue Reading Examining the Intersection of Cultural Competence and Classroom Management Self-Efficacy in Northwest Arkansas K-6 Teachers